Layout of a Report

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

XLGL provides three basic ways to layout your report, each with their own advantages and limitations:

  1. Manual Layout: This involves manually typing in the report elements. It allows for custom grouping of accounts and offers complete flexibility. However, it can be cumbersome with repetitive data and formatting.
  2. Table Layout: This organizes data in a strict column and row presentation managed by XLGL. It is fast to update and compatible with various Excel tools like filters, sorting, lookup functions, and pivot tables. However, it is limited to a column and row presentation.
  3. Free Form Layout: Similar to table layout, XLGL manages the presentation of data while providing more freedom in how it is presented. Fields do not need to follow a strict column and row layout, allowing for more customization. However, free form layouts are slower to update and not suitable for large datasets.

XLGL offers different types of layouts for your reports, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you prefer the flexibility of a manual layout, the efficiency of a table layout, or the customization of a free form layout, XLGL has you covered.

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