Automating XLGL Tasks on a Schedule

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

You can use the Windows Scheduler to automate task in XLGL. For example, you may want to update a report once a day and send it by email, or save a copy to a specific folder.

Follow these steps to automate your task:

  1. Create (or record) a macro that will automate everything that your task requires. Reference the article on using XLGL in VBA macro for specific ways to use XLGL in a macro. Here's an example of a macro that Connects XLGL, Refreshes the report, then close Excel:
    Sub AutomateTest()
        Application.Run "XConnect2", "CONNECTION_NAME", "USERNAME”, "PASSWORD"
        Application.Run "XLGL.Refresh"
    End Sub
    Replace CONNECTION_NAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD with your specific connection information.
  2. Create a new task in the Windows task scheduler and set the Action to start a program
  3. The executable for the Task is C:\Program files (x86)\Logicim\XLGL\AutomateXLGL.exe
  4. The arguments are the full path the workbook and the macro name. For example: “C:\Test\MyTest.xlsm” AutomateTest

You should test your automation before changing any other settings. In particular, the automation task must run in an regular user account (user logged in and without maximum privilege).

Creating macros for automation is an advance feature of Excel. Contact us if you would like some help with your macro creation.

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